
About Leslie Beggs

Leslie has served on the Stanislaus County Equal Rights Commission since 2005

Leslie's statement in the Stanislaus County Voter Pamphlet

It’s been my honor to serve as your trustee for the past eight years. I’ve prioritized academics and job skills, free speech and due process, and district accountability to students and taxpayers.

I have upheld high academic and job-training standards to best serve students while ensuring that universities and employers respect our degrees and certificates. To support student success, we’ve expanded our nursing program, reinvigorated the Fire Science Academy, and vastly increased Dual Enrollment classes to provide high school students with college access.

During this era of Groupthink and Cancel Culture, I have forcefully defended free speech and dissenting viewpoints, while insisting on the consistent application of disciplinary procedures, if any, for students and employees. I’ve also been staunchly pro-freedom, never mandating Covid vaccines or boosters but allowing individuals to decide for themselves.

I’ve also protected your tax dollars and held administrators accountable. We have standardized management contracts, slashed bloated 18-month “golden parachutes,” and ensured more rigorous performance reviews.

As a former student and instructor at MJC, I stay focused on our core mission of educating students, ask tough questions, and will never be a rubber stamp. I ask for your vote to continue this good work.


Leslie Beggs

for MJC/YCCD Board 2024

Leslie has taken on several time-intensive roles since being elected in 2016.  Some are of limited duration but high impact, such as being appointed to the Chancellor Search Committee in 2017.

Other tasks require her ongoing commitment, such as serving on the Board’s  Policy & Procedures (P&P) Committee.  The P&P Committee systematically reviews and updates the policies which govern our institution.  These revised policies are then presented to the full board for adoption or further alteration.

Leslie was elected by her Board colleagues as Vice Chair in  2017, and as Chair in 2018.  She now serves on the “Tri-Chair Leadership Team” as Past Chair.  If re-elected, she’ll continue in the Past Chair role for a second year as current Chair Abe Rojas is retiring in November after decades of service.  This team meets with the Chancellor a few days before every Board meeting to discuss the upcoming agenda, and about a week after for a post-meeting assessment.

She is the Board’s representative on the MJC Foundation, which is getting ready to celebrate MJC’s 100th Year!,  and is one of two board members who attends TRIO Student Support Services Advisory Committee meetings.

Leslie also serves on the YCCD’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Advisory Committee.




M.A. in English, 1987, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. Thesis: The Zeal of Thy Work: Vocation as Sacred in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers

B.A. in English, 1981, Clemson University, cum laude; Rank: 94 of 1071 graduates. Minor: Psychology

Attended Modesto Junior College, 1977–1979. University Transfer sequence; 62 units; 3.84 cum. GPA.



Nominated by chairman of the Languages Department for the President’s Honors Colloquium, Clemson University

Short story chosen for campus literary magazine

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Sigma Tau Epsilon (the honor society of the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences)

Pi Delta Phi Socie̒te̒ d’Honneur Francaise

Also member of: Society of English Graduate Students 1981–1982; English Club, 1979–1981; Clemson

Dancers, 1980; Clemson Players, 1981.



Adjunct English Instructor, Modesto Junior College, 2013–2016. Taught one 5–unit developmental English 49 or 50 class each semester.

Adjunct English Instructor, Modesto Junior College, Fall 2002–Spring 2003. Taught one section of English 101 each semester.

Adjunct English Instructor, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee, 1985–1991. Taught freshman composition courses.

Adjunct English Instructor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. Took over three English 101 classes on Sept 21st when another instructor resigned.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, Fall 1981–Spring 1982. Taught two sections of English composition each semester.



Adjunct Representative, Yosemite Faculty Association, Fall 2015–Spring 2016.

Piano Faculty, Modesto Suzuki Association, 2005–present.

Home Educator, through Hart-Ransom Charter School and Whitmore Charter School. I taught my son’s accelerated English courses at home in 2008–2013 from 7th–11th grade. (In 12th grade he moved on to English 103 at MJC.)

Community Columnist/Freelance Contractor, The Modesto Bee, 2002–present. Also was part of a weekly meeting of Bee opinion columnists and editors for many years. Write occasional columns—very occasional—for the local newspaper, on topics ranging from education to Gary Condit to hate crimes and free speech.

Board of Directors, California Association for the Gifted (CAG), 2002–2004. In addition to helping put on regional workshops and the annual statewide conferences for teachers and parents of gifted children, I was also a member of the board committee responsible for writing CAG’s position papers on various issues in gifted education.

Chairperson, GATE District Advisory Committee (parent group), Modesto City Schools, 1997–1999. Planned meetings and conferences for parents and GATE–identified children at three magnet sites, working with the MCS GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Director.

Editorial Assistant for Charlotte Magazine, Charlotte Business Quarterly, and Carolina Business & Finance, 1983–1985. Duties included editing in all stages, writing assigned articles, compiling monthly column of Charlotte events, screening manuscripts, figuring monthly budget for writers and photographers, and occasionally covering city planning meetings and other newsworthy happenings.



Teacher, Adult Connections Class, Modesto Covenant Church, Spring 2014 term, and sub. Also host a weekly meeting that discusses faith, philosophy and current cultural issues, 2003–present.

Equal Rights Commissioner, Stanislaus County, February 2005–present.

Member, Stanislaus County Civil Grand Jury, 2005–2006.

Visiting Editor, The Modesto Bee, 2001. One of two community members chosen to launch the Bee's "Visiting Editor" program, serving a three-month term in which we attended the newspaper's editorial meetings, interviewed county/city leaders, and offered input on current issues. Wrote columns during this period, and was asked to continue contributing local opinion pieces as a "Community Columnist."

Downey High 1882 (Accreditation) Committee, 2000–2002

PTA President, Sonoma School, 1997–1999; PTA Secretary 1999–2001.

PTA Historian, Modesto Council PTA, 2000–2001.

Vote for Leslie Beggs